The Equity Risk Premium in Israel
An academic study reviews the historical real (inflation adjusted) yields on stocks and Government bonds in Israel in the years 1980-2018
An academic study reviews the historical real (inflation adjusted) yields on stocks and Government bonds in Israel in the years 1980-2018
An academic study examines whether the Bank of Israel’s policy of adopting effective risk management directives for the banking system in Israel
The present study concentrates on three issues of the Israeli residential sector and the government’s policy to ameliorate their problems
Most of the economists define “money” as a combination of cash and bank demand deposits where the main part is demand deposits. The cash or the legal tender is created solely by the central bank in each country
examine the changes in profitability of Israeli banks around the 2008 financial crisis
analysis of risks deriving from the characteristics and nature of the purchasing group
The recommendations of the Zaken Committee (2013) stipulated, amongst other things, that alongside the rating of customer’s bank credits, disclosure should be made
In this study we examined the extent to which several factors affect export growth using econometric models of
the OLS type
The Going Concern (GC) assumption is one of the fundamental assumptions in accounting, and lies at the heart of
financial reporting and financial statements
The year 2016 was not a good one for the Israeli Banking System, especially not for the group "Hapoalim". Indeed, the
profits increased but the profitability decreased